12 replies

  1. Sayyiduna ‘Abdullah ibn ‘Amr (radiyallahu ‘anhuma) is reported to have said: “When you see tunnels/canals being dug in Makkah Mukarramah and the buildings (of Makkah Mukarramah) higher than the peak of the mountains then know that Qiyamah is close.”
    (Musannaf ibn Abi Shaybah, Hadith: 14306)

    Someone please correct any words if wrong. Is there somewhere where instead of the word Qiyamah it is also interpreted as “The Hour” which could make it even more relevant to the clock tower. There are scholars who classify this hadith as Hasan. God knows best.

  2. Qiyamah= resurrection – when all bodies are resurrected and then judgement day.

    Verbal form is used of Christ’s resurrection. (In Farsi)

    مسیح قیام کرد

  3. Shut up Ken

  4. Ostentation seems to be what they’re going for and that is what they’ve accomplished.
    They may have taken lessons from the San Gimignano school of building.
    Which is to say the architectural equivalent of how far someone can piss up a tree.

  5. You mean from an architectural point of view?

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