5 replies

  1. Ash’ari Fundamentals | A Brief Critique on Ibn Taymiyyah’s Tawhid — Shaykh Sayf al ‘Asri


    An Explanation of the Hadith, ‘Where is Allah?’ – Sh. Saeed Fodeh


  2. Very sorry to know that, due to over-obsessiveness with ibn Taymiyyah, some carefully chosen relevant lectures from mainstream Sunni ulama on the topic at hand was deemed as ‘spam’.

    Ibn Taymiyyah was never an authority in Aqida, nor did he have the ‘ijma (scholarly consensus) of the ulama of ahl as-sunnah wa l-jamāʻah. His isolated and unprecedented opinions did not have any valid isnad, or any ‘ijma. Being overwhelmingly focused on ibn Taymiyyah in discussions of Aqida, while avoiding the consensus of thousands of authoritative ulama of ahl as-sunnah wa l-jamāʻah throughout more a thousand year of Islamic history, is akin to being obsessed with Flat-Earth beliefs in serious discussion of mainstream Astronomy.

    The words ‘istiwa’ and ‘yad’ used in the Qur’an has numerous meanings in Arabic lexicon, and they do not necessarily mean ‘sitting’ (‘jalasa’) or ‘a limb’ respectively. What ibn Taymiyya has done is to choose an anthropomorphic literal meaning for those words used in the Qur’an, namely ‘sitting’ and ‘a limb’, unjustifiably denying/ignoring all other possible lexical meanings, and thereby going completely against the Qur’anic principle of “Laysa kamith’lihi shay’ ” 42:11 (There is nothing whatever like unto Him.) Also to note that, adding “in a way that befits His Majesty” to an absurd/contradictory/meaningless proposition does not make it true or meaningful or non-contradictory. It is like saying : ‘a triangle has a fifth angle, in a way that befits the triangle-ness of the triangle’. Further it also begs the question “what befits His Majesty?”, whether the proposition “befits His Majesty”, and the epistemic source of this judgement.


    As a simple exercise in the context of English language, one may look up (in the given link) the different meanings of the word “right” and its various uses in English sentences to convey a particular meaning associated with the word.



  3. One may go through the following resources for further clarification on ‘istiwa’ mentioned in the Qur’an.


    An Explanation of the Verse: “The Most-Merciful ‘istawa’ on the ‘arsh’.” – Sh. Saif Al-Asri



    Imam al-Ash’ari’s Explanation of al-Istiwa in the Real Kitab al-Ibanah — Sh. Saif Ali al-Asri



    Imam al-Tabari’s Explanation of al-Istiwa’ — Sh. Saif Ali al-Asri al-Shafi’i



    The Salaf’s Understanding of Istiwa – Sh. Saeed Foudah



    Do Ash’aris Deny al-Istiwa? – Sh. Saeed Foudah



  4. ————————————————————————————————————————-

    Spatial Correlations or Temporalities of Any Kind Do Not Apply to God – Sh. Saeed Fodeh



    Did Imam al-Tabari Believe That Allah is Physically Above Us? — Sh. Saif Ali al-Asri al-Shafi’i



    What is kayfiyyah ? And is it affirmed or negated ? — Sh. Sayf al ‘Asri



    Does Tajseem have various and appropriate meanings ? — Sh. Saif al Asri



    God Is Absolutely Transcendent – Sh. Saeed Fodeh



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