11 replies

  1. It i strange that you’ve become very active in this blog only when this blog has become empty from its very ferocious( in knowledge and debates) muslim members?
    Do you like to talk to yourself? Where have you been all those years before?

    • It i strange that you’ve become very active in this blog only when this blog has become empty from its very ferocious( in knowledge and debates) muslim members?

      and ferocious in manners and character. They turned on Paul W. with even more ferocious methods – their character and lack of ability to debate properly exposed their evil hearts and evil character and Paul rightly expelled them.

      Good for PW on that!

      They also exposed Islam for what it really is at root. An unjust system of force and character of “whatever we do is ok as long as we stamp you out” – seeking to take over the whole world (Dar Al Islam vs. Dar Al Harb) – which is what the law of apostasy, Sharia law, Caliphate, Islamic state, and Jihad / harb /War / Qatal (fight to slay and kill) is all about. That is very essence of Islam.

  2. Not strange at all – I returned to posting on this blog once Paul Williams kindly suggested that I am free to do so, which took place after I had started my own blog site. Before that I took some time out of public apologetics because I have other practical constraints in my life!

    If you look back at my previous posts on this blogsite, I have had a number of quite robust, and thought provoking, discussions with people.

    If you have any particular ‘ferocious’ Muslims in mind, please do tell them about my blog posts, I would value their feedback 🙂

    Have a great day!

    • You know where you find them if you really want to, but it seems you’re fine with yourself

      “If you look back at my previous posts on this blogsite, I have had a number of quite robust, and thought provoking, discussions with people.”
      I am not sure abou that. When exactly?
      Didn’t you have your posts deleted in the previous blog?

      ” I have other practical constraints in my life!”
      Indeed! Hanging out with psychopaths makes your day busy. Have a nice day.

  3. But there is only so much time in the day. I can’t make the most of every opportunity simultaneously.

    Yes. Me too.

    I agree.

    • Thanks Ken!

      But I am actually interested particularly in Mohammed Hijab’s views on Isaiah 42 – I was impressed with him recently saying that he thinks Deuteronomy 18 is ambiguous, but he’s confident about Isaiah 42 – but I haven’t seen a video of him expounding his views at length.

      I’m hoping to improve the Isaiah 42 article in the next few days – there are some more sources, points and verses I wish to incorporate

      • Hey Richard,
        I have not had time to read your article, but I am sure it is good.

        Since Matthew 12 tells us Isaiah 42 is about Jesus the Messiah, then it cannot be about Muhammad at all.

        Islam skips NT revelation – therefore, without knowing it, Islam guts/ destroys itself, since the Qur’an affirms the NT “gospel”/ Injeel, but doing so ignorantly. (Surah 10:94; 5:47; 5:68; 3:3, etc.)

        and takes what it wants arbitrarily from Judaism and the Torah and prophets, and forces it (the Mosaic law for the land of Israel to be applied to the whole earth – Jihad, etc.), except Muhammad was illiterate and did not know the details, but he got rid of the Jewish stuff (temple, atonement by blood sacrifice, land, rituals, Isaac as the covenant promised son, etc.) – and gave Monotheism an Arab Dictator (Al Jabbar – الجبار – with Sharia law applicable to the whole earth program.

    • Hey Ken,

      That’s true Matthew does, and to me as a Christian I agree with Matthew 12. But in the article I bracket that aside, and just see if Muhammad fits.

      ‘Islam skips NT revelation – therefore, without knowing it, Islam guts/ destroys itself, since the Qur’an affirms the NT “gospel”/ Injeel, but doing so ignorantly. (Surah 10:94; 5:47; 5:68; 3:3, etc.)’ – I agree.

      ‘and takes what it wants arbitrarily from Judaism and the Torah and prophets, and forces it (the Mosaic law for the land of Israel to be applied to the whole earth – Jihad, etc.), except Muhammad was illiterate and did not know the details, but he got rid of the Jewish stuff (temple, atonement by blood sacrifice, land, rituals, Isaac as the covenant promised son, etc.) – and gave Monotheism an Arab Dictator (Al Jabbar – الجبار – with Sharia law applicable to the whole earth program.’ – I both agree and disagree. I don’t think the Qur’an is consistent in the praise with which it speaks of the former scriptures and yet its inconsistency with parts of them. But in another sense I don’t think its arbitrary; the Qur’an has its own theological vision, and shapes biblical stories accordingly. Agree that it got rid of the idea of sacrifice and atonement (broadly speaking, though see – https://steelmanapologetics.com/does-forgiveness-require-punishment/). I think the Qur’an generally thinks that the prophets do come through Isaac (Q 29:27). As with Sharia being for the whole earth, yes I think this is implicit

      • Richard,
        You are better at being more accurate and nuanced than me.

        I don’t think the Qur’an is consistent in the praise with which it speaks of the former scriptures and yet its inconsistency with parts of them. But in another sense I don’t think its arbitrary; the Qur’an has its own theological vision, and shapes biblical stories accordingly.

        Excellent – that is more accurately what I meant.

        “inconsistent with former Scriptures” and “shapes the Biblical stories accordingly”

        agreed; and masterfully communicated

        I was more blunt.

      • Kindly said – some might say I can be pedantic!

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