I say there is NO forgiveness of sins in Christianity. Here is why..

I read from ‘The Metaphor of God Incarnate: A Second, Revised Edition’ by John Hick. https://www.amazon.co.uk/Metaphor-God-Incarnate-Second-Revised/dp/0334040000

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6 replies

  1. It is forgiveness because we don’t have to pay.

    You are taking the parable out of context.

  2. The bible teaches that God is our Judge before he becomes our Father.

    He has to forgive us as our Judge before he forgives us as our Father.

    You are putting the cart before the horse.

  3. What forgiveness does Islam offer on the other hand?

    Don’t you have to turn in your grave and walk the bridge after death?

    Is that forgiveness?

    • Let me spank you, you idiot of the village😅

      Yes, in Islam we have to cross the bridge because it is the final judgment and test to see who’s true believer and who’s a hypocrite or disbeliever.

      Also, God Almighty described about Himself that He is The Most Merciful and Most Kind and even He begin in each chapter of Holy Quran with Bismillah Ar-Rahman Ar-Rahim which means In the Name of God, the Most Merciful, the Most Kind.

      The problem with you is that you want everything to be served on plate just like this without hard work.

      In Islam, if you want Paradise, you got to work for it and strive hard for it and not to be lazy and do nothing. Remember that you get what you deserve and strove for it.

      I myself say “Astaghfurillah” millions of times with Conviction and it means God forgive me.

      Get it!?

  4. “The problem with you is that you want everything to be served on plate just like this without hard work. ”

    Not everything. Justification is served on a plate but sanctification is hard work, a team effort.

    “I myself say “Astaghfurillah” millions of times with Conviction and it means God forgive me.”

    That is certainly laudable but religious rituals are only half the law of Moses.

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