6 replies

  1. Christians love everything

  2. Agreed. A true Christian has no business participating in the sinful LGBT agenda – so called “pride month”; pride and arrogance is the root of sin.
    Mark 7:20-23

    That was a pretty good statement by the Roman catholic priest.
    he is right.

    Of course conservative protestants evangelicals and reformed go even farther and say that the desire itself is sin for the homosexual desire itself is sinful and disordered and against nature and against scripture.

    The famous phrase is still true: “God created Adam and Eve not Adam and Steve.”

    There is no such thing as a “gay Christian”.
    1 Corinthians 6:9-11

    Rather people who think same-sex attraction is ok, are not thinking biblically .
    Most of them have a mental and emotional disorder, that must be fought against. Temptation is not sin, but lusting is sin. Matthew 5:28

    The Scriptures give tools for fighting sinful desires in our hearts – we must crucify our selfishness, our selfish desires and pride in our hearts – we must put to death the thoughts and desires and motives that are sinful and renew our mind according to the truth.
    Romans chapters 6,7,8
    John chapters 14,15, 16
    Colossians chapter 3
    Galatians chapter 5

    But all that is no avail unless one is first born again and converted by the Holy Spirit of God when a person surrenders and submits to Jesus Christ and his gospel of atonement and resurrection and faith in him and him alone to save you from your sinful heart.
    John 3:1-21

  3. @ Ken

    One cannot remove a feeling from the heart (for example don’t feel angry if someone wrongs you or don’t be tempted to want something that you desire) the sin is in what one does with the temptation not being tempted itself.

    • I agree; and the NT agrees.

      I clearly said, “temptation is not sin”

      Even the Bible says “be angry, but don’t sin”

      Ephesians 4:26, quoting Psalm 4:4

      We deal with our feelings by renewing the mind / the thoughts.

      Romans 12:1-2
      Submit, surrender to God totally
      Renew your mnd, thinking
      then God will transform your character

      wrong feelings (anger, jealousy, coveting other peoples things or position or circumstances, bitterness, self-pity, acting out of your pain, pride, arrogance, etc. ) change when you renew your mind over time with discipline, IF you have the Holy Spirit and are truly converted.
      Those that are not converted in Christ have no power over their emotions or actions or evil motives.

      Feelings follow thoughts.

      If you let your anger go into violence and / or bitterness and constant grumpy attitude (against God’s sovereignty as to what He has allowed), then that is sin. You must crucify your anger on the inside; and self-pity and jealousy and lust and pride and arrogance and selfishness, etc.

      This is why the rich young ruler walked away in Mark 10 – he was an idolator in his heart – and full of self-pity and pride and self-deception, because he did not see his money was his god.

      He was unable to change and walked away from Jesus.

      But Jesus said later that God’s grace CAN change a rich man’s covetous heart (and a poor man who is unconverted and is always angry and jealous against the rich and powerful and successful, etc.)

      “With man it is impossible, but with God all things are possible”

      Mark 10:23-27

      Mark 10:45
      The Son of Man came . . . to give His life as a ransom for many”

      • @ Ken

        My apologies I misunderstood you because you said:

        “Of course conservative protestants evangelicals and reformed go even farther and say that the desire itself is sin for the homosexual desire itself is sinful and disordered and against nature and against scripture.”

  4. The priest is being crucified for his blasphemy in the comments.

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