Introducing Ben, a new BT author

I know Ben from Speakers’ Corner. He is a Baptist preacher (in other words he is a conservative Evangelical Christian). He lives in Essex (a county east of London) where originally I come from too. We have had a number of debates and discussions and I have decided to invite him to be an author on BT, mainly to stir things up a bit 😉 He can certainly hold his own. Though his Christianity is virtually identical to Blogging Theology longtimer Ken Temple, Ben will hopefully bring a refreshingly English take on this faith. He has free rein to write whatever he wishes and is aware that the readership is mostly Muslim and some of us can be quite polemical!

Screenshot 2020-05-14 at 20.14.12

Ben preaching


Ben at Speakers’ Corner last Sunday

Categories: Christianity, Speakers' Corner

176 replies

  1. Welcome to the blog Ben.

    Hopefully, things have changed since the last Christians bloggers here.

    But my guess things have not changed. Some will act nice and it won’t take long before you get attack by the some of the regulars on this blog. They are reprobates, vile, wicked, filthy pseudo-scholars, for example: quran and bible blog, Stewjo and Atlas. Unfortunately, they are the regulars in the comment sections.

    I wish you a lot of patience

    Matthew 10:14, Matthew 7:6.

    Good luck.

    • Here we go again. Another Christian crybaby whining about Muslims but says nothing about Christians. Amazing!

      Hmm, let me see some of the nice Christians we have seen so far over the years: Kennywise (a liar), Scam Shamoun (no introduction needed), Paulus (where did that guy go?)…And a new one: Daniel. Let’s see if the crybaby “Matt” will criticize his fellow Christian…how long shall we wait? Till rapture? My guess is probably longer.

      • Just run you p*ssy. Nothing you can do. Your a lil b!tch.

        You won’t do sh!t Coward.

      • Hahahaha, ooh somebody’s getting angry! It didn’t take long to expose you for the garbage you are. Man, that was easy!

        Did you read Daniel 7? Why are you running little man? Mouthing off, thumping your chest and using foul language will not save you.

      • You’ll do nothing lil b!tch. Shut up wh0re

      • 😂😂 Still waiting on Daniel 7 little man. Keep howling. It will make it easier to throw out the trash.

      • You will wait as for 3 years like Muhammad. Lol

      • It seems you will wait until rapture to answer the question, which was supposed to happen 2000 years ago. 🤣 Why do you keep running coward?

      • You even try to talk like Sam Shamoun. “Wait until the rapture”. You’re obsessed with the guy. Stop being a gay boy. I hope you don’t suck on little boys tongues like your prophet.

      • 😂 Huh? “Wait until rapture” is a very common phrase, you idiot. 🤦‍♂️

        And actually, Scam Shamoun has been quite obsessed with me for more than a year after I smashed him a couple of times. 🤣

      • Was your latest article trying to refute Sam Shamoun?

      • Yeah, so how does that mean I’m obsessed with him, you idiot? Do you know what a non-sequitur is dummy? 😂

        Do you how many times that fat loser has asked his monkey followers to reach out to me to persuade me to “debate” him? 🤣🤣

      • Gay boy. Did you also mention Sam Shamoun in your first comment here?

      • Gay monkey, I mentioned him in a list with other vile Christians, dummy. You’re embarrassing yourself. 😂

      • Ok gay boy. Please don’t suck on little boys tongues like your prophet. Lol

      • Still getting turned on little monkey? Did you read Numbers 31 yet? How about Ezekiel 16? Stop running gay monkey. 😂

      • And why did he asked to debate you. Was one reason because you wrote articles trying to refute him?

      • 🤣🤣 Again moron, how does that mean I’m obsessed? I refuted his articles because brainless Christians follow him. Once I refuted him, he became obsessed with me. He even searched for me on Facebook! Now what’s more creepy and obsessive than that? 😂

      • How do you know about his articles? You go to his website and/or social media?

      • Nope, mostly it’s from his fanboys who post links to his articles or copy/paste from him, like you do with WikiIslam and Daniel Pipes. 😁

      • Haha what an idiot. If they post a link. You have to click on the link to see it. That’s you visiting the website. But your answer was no. Dumb sh!t. Lol

      • Haha what an idiot! We’re in the apologetics and polemics field silly monkey. When his fanboys use his arguments, I respond to them. I’m not a coward like you and try to jump around like a diseased monkey. 🤣

        Still waiting on Daniel 7, Numbers 31 and Ezekiel 16. 😉

        So are you working on getting a GED, were too stupid to pass high school? 😁

      • As long as I’m not illiterate like Muhammad. I’m good.

        Gay boy tries not to suck on little boys tongues.

        Is it true your prophet had only one shower after having sex with all his wives? Lol 😆

      • You’re just illiterate and dumb like most out of work Crosstian monkeys. Gay monkey, any accomplishments you can tell us about in your pathetic life? A loser like you isn’t worth the dust on the feet of Muhammad. 🤣

        Hey monkey, what was Elisha doing to the dead boy? You know the verse right? Read it again and see if you can sexualize that like you sexualize everything. Is it because no woman will touch you that you’re so sexually frustrated? 😂

      • Hey monkey, your boy Dead Wood got owned by Farid! It’s amazing how you morons believe everything these liars tell you. 🤣

      • Talking about dead is a funny one. Did your prophet promote sleeping with dead people? Lol 😆

      • 😂😂😂 I knew you would say that! You’re so predictable little monkey!

        Here you monkey:

        Make sure to read the comments as well. 😁

    • @ Matt

      You know what’s great about your claims? Everything is in writing let’s look first at the Shamoun the Christian you were referring to and see who attacked first:

      Oh, respectful discussion and in a grand total of ONE exchange then was insulted. Exhibit B my “pseudo-scholarship” (aka I couldn’t actually refute the position so I have to tell myself that. BTW getting your text picked apart is not “attacking’) no insults in the article just pure references and argumentation. What happens next? Christians start spamming the comment section and insulting:

      Oh and here is exhibit C this week “Was Mariya the Wife or Concubine of the Prophet?” Again no insults or anything in the article. And what is this your side made the following article: “The Prophet of Sensuality and Inconsistency” which is full of insults and poor scholarship:

      In which our side responded:

      And these are just small examples and I can pull plenty of other times where your side violated the agreement to keep it civil in the “Featured Articles”. So if you could do me a favor and stfu with the fake “piety’ and “persecution complex” that would be swell. Oh and have a nice day.

      • Well, let’s give little Mattie a chance. Let’s see if he is consistent in his criticism by calling out the Christians. I know, we might have to wait a little but still…


        Here you go Mattie. Let’s see if you can play Mother Goose and tell your Christian brethren to play nice.

      • @QB

        Alright, don’t pass out holding your breath.

      • Stew, let meget this steaight, are you saying you NEVER start unless someone is hostile first? Coomon, both you and i know you are not telling the truth here. You and QB are like worldfamous famous for your trash talk here.

      • @ pence

        I appreciate that my reputation proceeds me lol but no I honestly can’t think of a time (barring I already have a relationship with the person like Ken or Shamoun) As I said, I can drop it as I don’t need it. But its gotta be mutual respect.

      • Ahh Spence, yet another crybaby Mother Goose wannabe. Complaining about Muslims, but still not a word about the non-Muslims, just got excuses.🤦‍♂️ Yikes, do you people get up in the morning and think “how can I be a hypocrite today?”

        Look, it’s real simple Spence. When you deal with trash, you treat it like trash. After doing this for a while, you can smell the trash from the start. There’s no reason to treat trash like it’s a bunch of roses.

        Your delusions of persecution are duly noted and laughable. Most of the non-Muslims come here to spread propaganda and to demonize Islam. They are not interested in rational discussion. So why should anyone take your crocodile tears for them seriously?

      • @Stew

        You’re confusing things and beginning to contradict yourself. “My” definition is akin to your definition 2. I

        t think you’re matching your own definition 1 as well now. You are by far the most arrogant, condescending, insulting and trash talking in here.

        I’ll be the first to sing your praises when or if you change your “style”.

      • @ Rob

        Nope that is the definition to Muslims and quite frankly that’s the one that matters to me. As a note:

        Is there anything wrong with a person feeling proud of his religion or feeling proud of a person who does something good? Because we know that pride in the heart is something bad.

        Praise be to Allaah.

        Self-confidence is an acquired characteristic that the Muslim needs to know how to acquire so that he will be one of those who have self-confidence. But first of all he has to differentiate between self-confidence and arrogance. Self-confidence means being aware of what Allah has given you of good characteristics and striving accordingly to attain that which will benefit you. If you misuse it you will be filled with arrogance and self admiration, which are two destructive problems…

        …what is meant by saying that somebody is self-confident is that he is certain about something and is sure of it. There is no doubt that things may sometimes be attributed to a person on the basis of certainty, and sometimes on the basis of probability, and sometimes on the basis of doubt, and sometimes on the basis of what is most likely to be the case. If he says, for example, “I certain about that” or “I am certain of myself” or “So and so is certain of himself” or “he is certain about what he is saying”, what is meant is that he is confident about it. There is nothing wrong with that and it is not contrary to the well-known du‘aa’, “do not abandon me to myself even for the blink of an eye,” because the person may be certain of himself by the help of Allah, based on what Allah has given him of knowledge, ability and so on.

        What you don’t understand is I don’t like most of you (barring the respectful ones) and we are literally fighting with words as far as I’m concerned. It’s similar to when a man named Abu Dubjana(ra) had an arrogant swagger before he fought in a battle during the Prophet’s(saw) time. Under normal circumstances, God does not like it but given the situation which is defending what God sent down, it’s okay.

        if you ask the Muslims on here, for the most part, I’m nice. But again I simply don’t like your side. But I appreciate your advice and so I will attempt to tone it down even when dealing with your ignorant ones.

      • @ Stew

        appreciate it. Though I think “not liking ‘my side’ ” is a bad point of departure for discussion, which may explain your “style”, though to be fair, I’m sure that feeling is reciprocated from the other side,

        Anyhow, as I said, I’ll be the first to sing your praises if your change your “style”.

      • @ Rob

        You won’t. But logically why would I?

      • Stewjo: But logically why would I?

        Because you said that;

        I appreciate your advice and so I will attempt to tone it down even when dealing with your ignorant ones?

      • @ Rob

        My mistake I should have been clearer why would I like trolls who insult my beliefs and something I’ve dedicated my life to?

      • I obviously don’t expect you to like people who insult you, call you names etc. My point to you is that this is a place of debate where people will come from all kinds of angles that differ from yours. Guys that are Christian, agnostic, atheists etc. may obviously disagree with you that Muhammad is a prophet, inspiration of the Quran, doubt the existence of God or whatever. If you can’t help getting hostile to people simply because they have different views but that did not insult you, I would ask again: isn’t this a bad point of departure for discussion? For starters don’t you expect that many commenters will fundamentally disagree with you, considering this is a site of theological and religious discussion?

    • Dirty liar stop being a hypocrite. Since you mentioned Daniel. Here’s a few examples of ad hominem used by Stewjo before Daniel retaliate.

      “morons like you will support/ die for Israel

      This isn’t some magical source you morons

      just a case of fear-mongering to rile up rednecks in their trailers lying next to their sister/girlfriend.

      I know I was more insulting that person. (Referring to Daniel).

      Let’s start with something basic to make you (and by extension them) look stupid”

      I’m sure you will not condemn Stewjo. Or you will make an excuse for him. It only happened after Stewjo continuous personal attacks. Stop acting like the victims when his filthy language backfires on him.

      • 🤣🤣 There you have it folks! Little Mattie is already making excuses! After being a crybaby and complaining about the Muslim commenters, this lowlife manworshiping pagan refuses to call out his vile brethren and instead makes excuses for them! And he shows his own true colors at the same time! Wow! Why does Christianity produce so many lowlife hypocrites per capita? 🤔 Are these the fruits of Christianity.

        And no little Mattie, I won’t criticise Stew because I’m not the crybaby who complained in the first place. You did. Now do us all a favor. LIsten to Stew and shut your pathetic mouth. Go cry to your mommy, little boy.

      • Muslims do several personal attacks before I retaliate.

        Yet Matt has to condemn me.

        Shut up you filthy rat. You belong to the sewage of Islam.

        You just got exposed scum.

      • 😂 Hey Daniel, you and your pathetic serpentine brethren exposed your true nature very quickly. You were never interested in a friendly discussion you pathetic worm. Admit it. By the way, have you read Daniel 7? 😉

        Now don’t your worry. I will start embarrassing you very soon inshaAllah. I was taking a break from commenting for the rest of Ramadan. But your time will come. 😉

      • @ Matt

        Oh, the cry babies never fail to disappoint. As a note, you did NOT counter any of my points, so I guess you concede on that. Now down the line for what you don’t know what you’re talking about:

        1. I was in a conversation with a gentlemen by the name of “Corndog” and notice no insults happened between him and I. “Daniel” then proceeded to spam and butt in while not knowing the situation.

        2. I already had a previous interaction with “Daniel” when he went by the username “Vax”. After attempting to try and prove I was “racist” (and failing miserably) he then started going on a tirade of insults about Islam:

        3. I insult as all you trolls are as predictable as the sunset so I don’t waste my time. Especially when other people reading later on email me and ask questions about Islam as they like my plethora of facts, explanations, humor, and confidence

        Alrighty so now that that’s over got any more crocodile tears for me?

        As a note, I don’t use filthy language. @, $, *, etc are not letters in the English language.

      • @ Daniel

        Real awkward moment trying to pretend you weren’t Vax a few days ago…

      • Oooh, Daniel/Vax you lying snake. 🤣 Christian liars are so bad at projecting their self-righteousness. It’s almost like they want to be caught in their lies. 😂

      • @ Matt

        You know what I’ll toss you a bone as I now your oaths mean nothing. here is the link to my last post on the blog:

        I’ll engage in a friendly back and forth with you on my points as I am that confident you all will start insulting when you have no more refutations. So balls in your court now.

      • Run filthy rat. Trust me I’ll bury your dirty prophet before, after Ramadan and during Ramadan.

        Run coward.

      • I replied to Corndog, not you. You keep exposing yourself dirty rat. Racist idiot.

        If I come back. I don’t attack anyone. Try to insult me again, I will bury your prophet.

        Keep attacking when no one attacks you. I will rip your prophet again.

        Play the victims all you want.

      • To be fair, Ben will be a guest writer It is not his job to rein in apologists, Muslim or Christian, if they get out of line.

        I also think everybody loves the freedom Paul grants. So thank you for that Paul. Credit where credit is due.

        In all the debates stew put up, however, the “Muslims” consistently started the ad hominems.

        The Sam Shamoun debate was actually quite civil, considering Stew and Sam are not exactly famous for restraint or their good manners. Can’t see who “started” as some stuff was deleted. But credit is actually due here.

        QB starting off, wit AH in the prophecy article.

        “😂😂 Another brainless moron incapable of doing serious research and who blindly accepts the nonsense of Christian “scholarship”! 🤣”

        I think Stew has said many times he can’t focus on discussion unless be gets to insult people and even Paul I think has said he recognized that QB is vile or uses vile language and is not good for discussion or something .to that effect.

      • @ Spence

        Yeah definitely didn’t and you can clearly see the start but whatever. You said:

        “I think Stew has said many times he can’t focus on discussion unless be gets to insult people…”

        Negative. I prefer civil discussion because it gets to the facts and truth sooner. However, once I know someone is around I get bored with the conversation as I’ve predicted the outcome. Even then I’ll still try to hang in there for a bit but my general policy is “choose your own adventure”. As I said I have NO problem turning it down if everyone is willing to agree to end the trolling.

      • @ Daniel/ Vax

        You told a bunch of uncreative corny jokes good for you. But since there must be something lost innn communication as I was talking to “Corndog” you pretended to be him (despite nobody talking to you) and said:

        “It’s easy accepts an unreliable source when it suits you. And reject reliable source when it’s embarrassing. That’s the methodology.”

        You then posted pipes as if he was relevant to the discussion as nobody claimed slavery didn’t happen in 7th century Arabia (because you were attempting to just spread misinformation and propaganda)

        You then said:

        “It’s not that hard to find Quran and hadith. While you claim the sources are sufficient. Theirs are a lot more sources you did not quote.,_Hadith_and_Scholars:Slavery

        You were then asked to prove your claim from your copy and paste that lied saying rape is permissible

        You then brought up weak hadith (despite nobody even talking about them for some reason)

        You then made some more corny jokes then attempted to debate law (despite not being qualified in it and then ignored a basic overview I sent)

        And then more corny jokes

        Do you see how the whole situation could’ve been avoided if you butted out a conversation you weren’t in?

      • Retard the message were directed to Corndog.

        If you want to get involve and insult. Your prophet will suffer. As simple as that. I will rip into your prophet over and over again.

      • @stew

        On Shamoun, I actually gave you credit for restraint.

        Come on it’s common fare here, will be easy peasy to find you insulting people who never said anything nasty to you and you then basically go “oh I cant debate unless I get to call you names”.

        crucifixion article nobody insulted anybody before QB started with his AHs. All downhill from there.

        Fine you don’t like trolls, so why not just ignore them? All your examples, the Muslim side started the ad hominems.

      • @ Daniel

        Lol thank you for proving my point about the insulting (Matt you wanna step in here?) You were not directing your post to Corndog. First, you tried to act like Cordog (as your the only person in the last couple of days that does that corny stuff, like you did with me, so it’s safe to say that was you) and said:

        “It’s easy accepts an unreliable source when it suits you. And reject reliable source when it’s embarrassing. That’s the methodology.”

        Pause. Right here you turned a normal conversation between Corndog and I hostile (and thus started it) Corndog clarified that that wasn’t him. Then you said:

        ““It’s not that hard to find Quran and hadith. While you claim the sources are sufficient. Theirs are a lot more sources you did not quote.”

        Did Corndog quote sources? No. Did Corndog use the word sufficient? Was this relevant to Corndog’s question? No. You were clearly talking to me.

        You then quoted Pipes’s article that is titled “Islamists Endorse Muslims Owning Slaves”. Again how was this (or really any link provided) related to Corndog’s initial question of where he can find a list of the names of the people Muhammad(saw) set free?
        1. As can be seen, you initiated hostility (proving Matt’s claim wrong)
        2. You just lied saying you weren’t talking to me
        3. You completely derailed the conversation Corndog and I were having

        So now after CLEARLY seeing the evidence will you admit you started it?

      • @ Spence

        No, I do not start unless someone acts hostile first (case in point Daniel). I hate to tell you but I’m not going to sit there and kiss someone’s rear end all day as they insult my religion. If you would like to have a respectful dialogue we can, if you want to troll then I’m wittier. It makes no difference to me. I would love to simply do an article respectfully like the Crucifiction, someone responds with an article of their own, and then I counter, etc. But that’s just not who is attracted to your side (mostly because their use to just insulting Muslims on random comment sections on the internet). The majority of them are quite frankly either white supremacists or some low self-esteem having Desi trying to do the most to “fit in”.

        Again, I’m willing to turn it off right now as I don’t need to insult because the facts speak for themselves. As I said if everybody is willing to control their side then I’ll step up and handle mine but until then, the crocodile tears will keep falling on deaf ears (barring respectful individuals).

      • Stew, you are straight up not telling the truth, you cant stay in a conversation withouth insulting people, you probably just lose interest or whatever, withouth the insults and trash talk. Even if there were no insilts coming your way. It’ll probably take me like 5 minutes to expose, but I’ll let it go. I already blew Atlas’ cover of hypocrite methodology so its enough for one weekend.

        First he says its “porn book”, then i call him out, he goes its not all “porn”, then I blew his cover completely, then he goes, oh now I don’t believe it anymore, its “straight up porn”

        You guys are not real. Pretty simple.

      • @ Spence

        Oh, by all means, I insist “blow my cover”. Challenge is to show where I became hostile to someone I didn’t have a previous relationship for no reason. I’ll even help you, the worse one you’ll see is Marc C. who was obviously being condescending.

      • @ Spence

        Actually thinking of Marc C’s condescending attitude you’re right my other exception is if I take the time to grab a reference, it gets ignored after reading and then the person continues saying their initial stupid premise.

      • LOL Danny boy, who’s running? I said I will embarrass you in due time. Trash day is coming, inshaAllah. In the words of Jack Nicholson: “Danny boy! I’m comin!”

        Oh and did you read Daniel 7? Brush up on it if you haven’t. 😉

      • Stew, you know who Spence reminds me of? You remember in the Hijab/Wood debate when that Christian woman tried to call out Hijab for his insults towards Wood?

        LOL!! She got owned!

      • Whatever beefs you have with people Indon’t know and is your own business But you don’t have to hang around here for long to see that you are doing a particularly exquisite job of being condescending, insulting, name calling, trash talking erc. just for the fun of it. Seems to be your style. Even if people were not nasty to you. If somebody called you names or trash I dont agree with that either. it only takes the first shot for a conversation to go bad.

        But since you insist here’s an example of you “talking” to a guy called Christian. You threw insults, saying nasty things, he didn’t insult you, you move on to throw more insults and you are called out again and then you litterally go:

        “My apologies insults just keeps me invested in conversing with stupid people and listening to their dumb theories/ideas.” and you then proceed to throw more insults.

        You’re just the trash talking condescending kinda a guy throwing insults just to keep your interest. You admitted it your own very self thank you very much. That’s your style just like I said.

        I don’t agree with people calling you names, but what I am saying is you seem to do that just to keep focus of “debate”, when he didn’t insult you and he called you out in. He didn’t throw a single insult even after you just kept going.

        I don’t know or care who is right or wrong or whatever. If you didn’t like it why not just ignore it?

      • Crybaby Spence, no one cares for your hypocritical crocodile tears. I’m asking for consistency. You clearly are nothing but a hypocrite. You forget yourself, dude. No one asked for your advice or needs it.

        I don’t apologize for treating like trash. If you want to defend the trash and make excuses for their behavior, don’t whine when you are put in your place.

      • @ Spencer

        If you could. Post the link tgat would be fantastic. Also, did Christian fall underneath this category I stated:

        “@ Spencer

        Actually thinking of Marc C’s condescending attitude you’re right my other exception is if I take the time to grab a reference, it gets ignored after reading and then the person continues saying their initial stupid premise.”

        And again I insult when being insulted or in fact stupid. As I said I can tone it down (just tried with Danielle a little bit ago. And he’s still going on with his dry jokes.) I have offered an olive branch several times and nobody has taken me on the offer because this complaint is not one of sincerity.

        What you want is to be able to troll and not having something come back because you’re mad that we’re better at it. (And I assume all hope is gone of an actual refutation)

      • I already posted the link, but here it is again.
        And I’m not trying to “refute” anything.

      • @Stew Agreed, you offered an olive branch and it was not taken. Your credit.

      • So will you be consistent for once and call out the Christian trolls…or no?

      • @ QB

        Of course not because it wasn’t sincere. Now let me look through the link and marvel at some if my old work.

      • @ Spencer

        Nope falls under category listed for Marc C.

        “Making claim I take time to prove with academic sources and references is wrong then continues making the same claim”

        1.The gap of time is long for bith texts
        2. The Ebionites had similar beliefs to Muslims
        3. Continues with moronic claim of “plausibility” despite odds being astronomical if plagirizing.
        4. Ignored transmission argument
        5.Completly makes up Islamic theology despite being explained multiple times. Thus being stupid
        6. Ignores historical evidence and scholarship to continue making claims about the early church with the counter: “I don’t know about this Church of Jerusalem stuff.” This is textbook someone not looking for truth and just attempting to argue.
        7.Denies QB’s argument with no substantial counter other than so (see point 6)
        8. Asks for monotheism placed in area other than the Middle East and is quoted Xenophanes. Then denies this with another so? (See point 6 )

        So nope this is justified because the reasin this category of mine exists is because it’s more subtle form of trolling. Got another one for me?

      • @ Danielle

        Oh, I wasn’t done lol I was just gathering all the references that was to just let you know a scholar is discussing the meaning of a word, not their opinion on law. My apologies you’re too dumb to know the difference now for the grand finale:

        Word used is “anah” it has a lot of meanings but some highlights from Strong’s:

        עָנָה ʻânâh, aw-naw’… to depress literally or figuratively, transitive or intransitive (in various applications, as follows) …defile, exercise, force… hurt, ravish…

        Let’s look at some other places it’s used:

        During the night the men of Gibeah came after me and surrounded the house, intending to kill me. They raped (anah) my concubine, and she died. (Judges 20:5)

        She answered him, “No, my brother, do not violate (anah) me, for such a thing is not done in Israel; do not do this outrageous thing… But he refused to listen to her, and since he was stronger than she, he raped (anah) her…But Absalom spoke to Amnon neither good nor bad, for Absalom hated Amnon, because he had violated (anah) his sister Tamar…But Jonadab son of Shimeah, David’s brother, said, “My lord should not think that they killed all the princes; only Amnon is dead. This has been Absalom’s express intention ever since the day Amnon raped (anah) his sister Tamar. (2 Samuel 13:12, 14 and 22)

        Your reaction is absolutely hilarious.

      • Here’s your downfall. You agreed it can have a lot of meaning.

        I can also show you examples from other verses:

        Now that you embarrass yourself. Don’t you think it’s time to man up and defend your prophet?

        You might get lucky since your daddy Paul might block the message.

      • @ Danielle

        You must think you’re wittier than you actually are. I don’t know why you think you’re the first person to insult Islam on the blog. Notice QB said you’re so unoriginal you sound like this other Chrisitan that we mock. Said the same corny stuff and said the same “you’re going to have to delete my comments hahahaha”. Again, you’re not offending anyone and everybody can clearly see you’re trying to go for “shock” factor because you can’t articulate an argument.

        Now before continuing do you admit that “anah” carries the conoctation of “rape” in verses in the Bible?

        Finally, let me just repost this part again:

        “…you STILL have the problems of captives being married (that you thought was so impossible earlier) They are still little girls being married so you can’t attack Aisha(ra) or Maria (ra) talk about a tough conundrum to be in.”

      • Stewjo004: Of course not because it wasn’t sincere. Now let me look through the link and marvel at some if my old work.

        Now we can add arrogant and haughty to insulting, condescending and trash talking.

      • @ Rob

        Arrogance is defined as either:

        1. Rejecting the truth when it comes to you.
        An example would be the person I showed a reference to and he said, so?

        2. Believing you’re superior to others
        This is not the case of my personal ability over others. My superiority only comes from being a Muslim. I was able to dismantle a lie regarding God and that is a praiseworthy thing.

        You all can keep trying to spread propaganda but you’re clearly the trolls on the blog.

      • Stewjo004: Now let me look through the link and marvel at some if my old work

        Your’re confusing the definitions. When you have to go back and marvel at your own work, you are obviously being extremely arrogant, perfectly fitting the standard definition.

        Arrogant, “adjective: having or revealing an exaggerated sense of one’s own importance or abilities”.

      • @ Rob

        Oh my apologies I should have clarified don’t care what your definition is, I care of the Islamic definition is:

        ‘Abdullah bin Mas’ud (May Allah be pleased with him) reported:
        The Prophet (ﷺ) said, “He who has, in his heart, an ant’s weight of arrogance will not enter Jannah.” Someone said: “A man likes to wear beautiful clothes and shoes?” Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) said, “Allah is Beautiful, He loves beauty. Arrogance means ridiculing and rejecting the Truth and despising people.”

      • @Miss StewJo try to stay on a topic. You are so dumb that bringing other issues won’t help you. We sent many messages we finally get to the bottom of it. Try to focus I know it’s hard for you.

        Your whole defence so far of Muhammad allowing sex with war captives. Was actually a diversion to the Bible. Even your diversion, your argument is based on a word you admit have a different meaning.

        In which the context is marriage.

        Only an absolute moron would think he did a decent job at defending Muhammad. Since you did not address it at all from an Islamic perspective. And your diversion was an epic fail.

        I actually feel sorry for you. You’re polluting your brain with that Islam crap. Even if you were a complete moron. I honestly don’t wish you die believing in the crap of Islam. Your fighting a battle you can’t win. You’re trying to defend dog shit. It’s not beneficial for you.

        While feeling sorry for you, I also have joy in my heart I’m not a Muslims. After seeing how easy it was to refute you. Well, it is easy but you’re a donkey who made it a long process. It’s ok it takes longer when dealing with a donkey like you. I thought you might have a good argument. I thought maybe I will need to do some research for a few days to be able to answer. I thought maybe I will be sweating. This was actually quite easy.

        Islam doesn’t have an answer that why you keep diverting. Anyone in your place will have difficulty defending the crap of Islam.

        The sooner you realise your fight a lost battle by defending dog shit the better for you. It can sound harsh but I’ll be honest.

    • I even ignore you stupid. But you keep running your mouth.

      You’re an idiot if you thought I was responding to you while I was trying to ignore you. Lol 😆

      If you were smart, you would know I did not give a sh!t about you lol. That’s what happens since you’re an attention seeker wh0re.

      • @ Daniel

        So long story short you were the one who made the conversation hostile and butted into a discussion that had nothing to do with you?

        Matt, notice the insults still coming my way even when I haven’t insulted. I just want to point this out to you because apparently, you think I go around picking on people all day.

      • @ Danny

        Also, you still claim you weren’t talking to me. Interesting, so who is the “you” in this sentence?

        ““It’s not that hard to find Quran and hadith. While you claim the sources are sufficient. Theirs are a lot more sources you did not quote.”

      • Dumb sh!t. I wrote to Corndog. Not to you. Not to you and Corndog. I even ignore your message. But you attention wh0re seeker keep responding to me.

        I have no other choice to insult you and your prophet. Only then you stopped with the insults.

        I can’t be nice to you. Insult is the only language you understand.

      • The article by daniel and the youtube videos were not a respond to you. I don’t even know what bs you were on about. Get it now moron?

      • And I wrote I tried to ignore you. I did not write I ignore you the whole time. You were dumb enough to keep running your mouth.

      • @ Danny

        Lol, your corny insults didn’t “stop me” I got bored with the conversation. Do you think your the first person on earth to insult Islam? Who’s really the conceited one? Anyways, my dude why do you have to lie, lol? Like seriously this is one that doesn’t even make sense: Let’s read:

        stewjo004 (talking to Corndog): “…If that’s what you’re asking, then what I originally posted is sufficient.”

        Danny (aka you): “It’s not that hard to find Quran and hadith. While you claim the sources are sufficient. Theirs are a lot more sources you did not quote.”

        Who is the “you” in this sentence as it clearly wasn’t Corndog. Also, I’ll ask again what did your links have to do with Corndog’s question about wanting a list of the slaves Muhammad(saw) freed? It was an irrelevant tangent born of you spamming and poorly trolling (aka trying to start stuff). Plain and simple.

        So you lied about being Corndog and butted into the conversation. You lied about not starting the insults. And now you’re lying about not talking to me. Why would anyone take what you say seriously when you clearly have bad character?

      • Dumba$$ that not the first message. Are you retarded?

      • @ Daniel

        Are you? Allow me to quote my initial point to Matt:

        “1. I was in a conversation with a gentlemen by the name of “Corndog” and notice no insults happened between him and I. “Daniel” then proceeded to spam and butt in while not knowing the situation.”

        You then claimed in your pity party:

        “Muslims do several personal attacks before I retaliate.”

        I now have quoted your first comment pretending to be Corndog:

        ““It’s easy accepts an unreliable source when it suits you. And reject reliable source when it’s embarrassing. That’s the methodology.””

        And now you say you’re intent was to “ignore” me but then you comment TO me? Let’s read again:

        stewjo004 (talking to Corndog): “…If that’s what you’re asking, then what I originally posted is sufficient.”

        Danny (aka you): “It’s not that hard to find Quran and hadith. While you claim the sources are sufficient. Theirs are a lot more sources you did not quote.”

        I wasn’t talking to you, so now you have now been caught lying AGAIN. And it’s been proven you initiated hostilities thus defeating your whole “whoa as me story” So in In this short conversation you have been shown to bend the truth four times now. And so now I must ask AGAIN why should anyone take what you say seriously when you clearly have bad character?

      • You are special. Someone drop you on the head when you were a baby.

        Two messages were a replied to corndog. You replied with insults. Attention wh0re seeker. Not every message is directed to you. After you start to insult, I bury you prophet. Get it now wh0re?

        Like in this conversation. Some message are directed to the lil b!tch QBB and others to you. Not all of it is a respond to you. Get it dumba$$? Lol

        F*ck your dumb.

      • Quick, Mother Goose (Spence)! Danny boy is throwing a tantrum! Please calm him down. I think he needs a time out!

      • You won’t do sh!t lil b!tch.

      • I only read about your pedo prophet. Do you want to talk about it b!tch?

      • Still running little man? You don’t read your Bible? 😱 Read Daniel 7. Go on. Be a good boy. Then, your beating will come, inshaAllah.

        While you’re at it, also read Numbers 31 and Ezekiel 16. 😉

        What about the Prophet, the greatest man in the world? He smashed paganism and very soon, Islam will overtake your pagan religion as well inshaAllah! Allahu Akbar!

      • The little man was Muhammad for him to be able to penerate a 9 years old lol.

      • Still getting turned on there? Did you read Numbers 31 and Ezekiel 16? Or are you still running? I guess trash day will come early lol. 😂

      • @ Danny

        Gotta appreciate the irony in you calling me “dumb” when you’re the one who can’t use proper grammar in a sentence. “Nobody drop me on head as baby” you were looking to ask if I was “dropped” on my head as a baby. And judging by how you write the matter is clear and so I need not ask

        Anyways I’ll help you, I did not talk to you, I could care less if you died horribly and slowly tommorow. I was speaking with Corndog, you initiated the insults and the conversation genius by butting in with your irrelevant copy and paste. So for about the 3rd time now, how was your link answering Corndog’s question? You were trying to poorly troll and are now playing the victim.

        Your response to QB says more than enough regarding your intellect as you are again off topic to his point. Deja vu🙄🙄🙄

        But to answer your question sure we can talk about Muhammad(saw) and Aisha’s(ra) marriage after we go over Moses(as) in your text giving litle girls away as sex slaves to be raped (as the Bible says they were)

      • Gotta appreciate the irony in you calling me “dumb” when you’re the one who can’t use proper grammar in a sentence. “Nobody drop me on head as baby” you were looking to ask if I was “dropped” on my head as a baby. And judging by how you write the matter is clear and so I need not ask

        Anyways I’ll help you, I did not talk to you, I could care less if you died horribly and slowly tommorow. I was speaking with Corndog, you initiated the insults and the conversation genius by butting in with your irrelevant copy and paste. So for about the 3rd time now, how was your link answering Corndog’s question? You were trying to poorly troll and are now playing the victim.

        Your response to QB says more than enough regarding your intellect as you are again off topic to his point. Deja vu🙄🙄🙄

        But to answer your question sure we can talk about Muhammad(saw) and Aisha’s(ra) marriage after we go over Moses(as) in your text giving litle girls away as sex slaves to be raped (as the Bible says they were)

      • Stew, it seems we have another high school dropout on our hands. 🤣

      • As long as I’m not as illiterate as Muhammad. I’m good lol.

        No, where the text says rape. But since you think it means rape. Did Muhammad keep the young virgin Aisha for himself?

        Give away sex slave to be raped. Is that what Muhammad did to Maria? Lol

      • Yet despite being illiterate at a time when most people were (like the disciples of Jesus as well), Muhammad (pbuh) changed the world. Meanwhile, we have little Danny boy sitting at home in his underwear with his beer belly howling like a monkey. 😂

        Dummy, Numbers 31 involved little girls. Do you think Yahweh’s hordes asked them for consent? 😱😱😱

      • @ Danielle

        You’re barely literate now? 🤤🤤🤤

        @ QB

        Would you please do her the honor and read her disgusting text where in hebrew it states they raped the little girls?

      • It was not normal or Jibril won’t squeeze the sh!t out of him lol.

      • 🤣 Little Danielle just jumps from one issue to the next Everytime she gets refuted. Reminds of Zozo Francisco, another sexually-frustrated Crosstian.

      • @ QB

        Definetly getting Zozo vibes keven has the whole where, where, where thing going). That level of stupid is not “highschool drop out” and more like “missing a few chromosomes”

        @ Danny
        Ahhh I go too excited (sorry QB) Starting fron Numbers 31:7

        Moses(as) is ordered in typical Biblical fashion to commit geneocide and take slaves from the little virgin girls (taph). They are now concubines as pretty much every scholarly commentary agrees. Now let’s look at the rule for concubines:

        Later, if you no longer want her, you are to let her go free. Since you forced her to have intercourse with you, you cannot treat her as a slave and sell her. (Deut 21:14)

        Notice some translators notably appalled may say humiliated, disgraced humbled.

        Now since you believe we can just paste any ol article allow me to return one for yours:

        “Rape is normative in the Jewish and Christian Scriptures. The texts in which women are raped are legion: Numbers 31:15-18; Deuteronomy 21:10-14; Judges 19:22-26. Shockingly, for many religious readers, God, Moses and the Torah call for the rape of women (and killing of their infants) as a normative practice in war. (I present at some length on sanctioned rape in the Scriptures here.)”

        Mmm, mmm, mmmm. Sick 🤢🤢🤢

      • Oooh, that’s gotta hurt! Ouch! 😂

      • Coming from the moron who said a million quotes means nothing. Now mostly every commentary agrees. Lol

        The idiot even a million commentary apparently means nothing.

        Deep sh!t did Muhammad keep the young virgin Aisha for himself? Lol

      • Coming from the moron who is now cornered and can’t make a logical argument. 🤣🤣 What happened monkey? You getting embarrassed after finding out the truth about your sick religion? Go on boy. Educate us on Numbers 31:18. What was going on there?

      • @ Danielle

        I said opinions mean nothing the evidence is what matters (which is why I quoted the text saying they were raped) I just figured I’d give the same “evidence” as you. So now would you like to refute or jump around avoiding the sick text explicitly stating they were raped?

      • Coming from the moron who said he does not visit Sam website but click on his links lol 😆 . That’s you visiting the website you moron.

      • Coming from the moron who keeps making non-sequiturs! Admit it. You don’t know what a non-sequitur is, do you?

        I said I don’t visit his website. It’s only when his fanboys link to his articles that I do that. Get it monkey? Let me make it easy for you. I “visit” Blogging theology regularly. I don’t “visit” Shamoun’s website regularly. In fact, I think I’ve seen his blog at most 2 or 3 times in the past year. You get it now? I know it’s tough for a high school dropout to understand, but try anyway. 😂

      • @ QB

        Definitely did hurt. Don’t you love when they’re confidently wrong?

      • No, where it says to rape them, you moron. But do tell me if Muhammad kept the young virgin Aisha for himself? Maybe he is different from numbers 31. Maybe he share her around lol

        Maybe the Shia is right about her.

      • Deut. 21 dummy. 🤣 And again, do you think little girls can consent to sex or to be taken as slaves, you sick baboon? 😱😱😱

      • The moment you click on the link you visit the website you dumb sh!t. A filthy liar trying to act cool. I don’t visit his website. I only click on the links lol 😂

      • 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️ The high school dropout just doesn’t get it! I said I don’t “regularly” visit you dumb simian. I said I have probably only visited his blog maybe 2 or 3 times in the last year. How is that being “obsessed” you idiot? You still didn’t answer me. Do you know what a non-sequitur, dummy? I don’t they teach that until college, which you clearly didn’t attend. 🤣

      • Muhammad swears on the Torah. Since according to you it means rape. Now the question did Muhammad keep the young virgin Aisha for himself?

        Muhammad swears on a book according to Muslims teach to rape young virgins. And Muhammad had the young Virgin Aisha. 😂

        Thank you for proving Muhammad raped Aisha lol

        Bom! I told you Muhammad will get a beating lol.

      • 🤣🤣 There you have it folks! The simian has to deflect once the truth about his sick religion comes out!

        So do you accept that Numbers 31 allowed soldiers to take little girls as slaves and forcefully have sex with them? Yes or no? I told you we would take out the trash! It happened much faster than anticipated. 🤣🤣

      • I did not claim you visit it regularly you dumb sh!t. Do you visit youtube or you only enter the url in the address bar? 😂

      • Oy vei, this dumb simian is insisting on his stupidity! I ask again monkey. How is “visiting” his website a couple of times somehow an “obsession”? Give it up moron. You’re embarrassing yourself. 😂

      • Hahahaja according to Muslims the Torah teaches rape young girls. Muhammad swears on the Torah. And he had a young virgin lol 😆. This is hilarious. You Muslims are funny.

        You can’t even answer if Muhammad kept a young virgin for himself. I’ll start to believe the Shia. Lol 😆

        Bom! Bom! Bom! Dynamite on Muhammad.

      • Hahahaha, the dumb simian is embarrassed after finding out the truth about his Bible that he won’t hear in church! 🤣🤣🤣

        Hey dummy, Muslims believe the true Torah was God’s word. This is not the same as your Bible. Everyone knows that Pentateuch was not written by Moses. See this is stuff you learn in college, so you wouldn’t have learned it. High school dropouts can only deflect and jump around like monkeys. 😂😂😂

      • @ Daniel

        That’s nice. So do you have any rebuttal for the text legitimizing the rape of little girls? Or are you going to just keep going on unrelated tangebts (and thus admitting defeat?)

      • Yes, I’m very shocked. It’s the first time a Muslim twist the bible to defend their filthy prophet. Can you show me the mystical Torah that Muhammad swears on?

      • Hahaha, the only one twisting your sick Bible is yourself because it’s embarrassing for you to find out the truth. 😂😂 Your filthy god did the things your Bible says. Get over it.

        So far, you have struggled to defend your filthy book. All you could do was make deflect. Silly monkey. 😂

      • I prefer to go with the story that helps you sleep about the filth of a prophet.

        Let’s go a few verses before: “if you see a beautiful woman among them, and you desire her and want to take her as your wife, ”

        I don’t see where you find rape. You don’t marry someone so that you can rape her moron lol.

        If you want to rape you allow your followers to have sex with married war captives like Muhammad.

        Since you don’t want to answer that Muhammad kept a young virgin for himself like in numbers 31. Maybe you can answer why your prophet allowed Muslims to have sex with married women?

        Let me guess the answer, I don’t about my prophet. Just focus on the bible lol

      • Dummy, it says clearly in Deut 21 that the captive woman was forced. There was no choice involved. You’re pathetic in your hilarious attempts to deny the truth. You’re not the first one to take that route. 😁

      • I don’t see the mystical Torah. I’m a very generous guy I’ll wait 3 years for the evidence. Just like Muhammad waited for Aisha. lol

      • I don’t see a response to the filth of your Bible. I can wait until rapture like Paul the false apostle. 😂

      • Seriously where is that mystical Torah? No need to be upset. If a horny pedo can wait 3 years. I’ll be patient as well. lol

        Since you want to help Stewjo maybe you can explain Muhammad allowing sex with married war captives. lol

        I don’t why I have a feeling that Stewjo will fail to explain this lol. Try not to run to the bible, I’ll show by his own standard both are you sons of mutah are defeated. lol

      • Seriously, what’s the deal with your pedo god handing little girls over as slaves? No need to get upset. I know it’s shocking. No wonder you keep deflecring. 😂😂 Still waiting monkey.

      • Talking about the rapture, even after the rapture. You won’t be able to bring any evidence. Or defend your filthy prophet. Is that the best you got? You were just talking a lot of sh!it you’re capable of doing. Not only you lost your control yourself during Ramadan. You said you won’t comment. But came back to be my lil wh0re. A loudmouth with a glass chin. A lil rat lol.

      • Little monkey, the rapture was supposed to happen 2000 years ago. The stupid “apostle” Paul thought it would happen in his lifetime. Imagine his disappointment when he died and realized that instead of heaven, hell was waiting for him. 🤣

        By the way, wasn’t Paul a Pharisee? Didn’t he circumcise Timothy? What was the practice among the people in that time about sucking the blood from the sound? 🤮

      • It’s ok my lil wh0re. Keep breaking your words during Ramadan. I did not have to wait after Ramadan. You got triggered lol. Thank you for losing control. I did not have to wait for Ramadan to be over to make you my lil b!tch.

      • @ Danielle

        Well, we had to have the married ones because the Daddy ordered His genocidal hordes to take all the virgins silly.

        So you’re throwing the Bible behind your back? Wow, you’re not even a good Christian (that explains the lying problem I guess) Let’s look at where you appeal to:

        10When you go to war against your enemies and the LORD your God delivers them into your hand and you take them captive,

        Pause. Lol you literally can no longer criticize Islam and concubines. Let’s keep going:

        11if you see a beautiful woman among them, and you desire her and want to take her as your wife, 12then you shall bring her into your house. She must shave her head, trim her nails, 13and put aside the clothing of her captivity.

        After she has lived in your house a full month and mourned her father and mother, you may have relations with her and be her husband, and she shall be your wife.

        Awww…wait a sec:

        Later, if you no longer want her, you are to let her go free. Since you forced her to have intercourse with you, you cannot treat her as a slave and sell her. (Deuteronomy 21:14)

        If you weren’t retarded the meaning is if you see a slavegirl you like and want to “upgrade” her to wife status she does x,y, and z. If you later say “Ehh… I’m done with this little girl” you let her go and don’t make her a slave or sell her because you raped her before you when she was captive. Basically, because you raped her when she was a captive you free her now.

        “No, where the text says rape. But since you think it means rape. ”

        No, the text says “rape” and I don’t think it means I know it does. So do you condone raping little virgin girls just need a yes or no?

      • Stew, it’s amazing isn’t it? The text literally says “forced” and Danny the monkey is asking “where it says rape”? 🤣🤣

      • That was smooth. “By the way, wasn’t Paul a Pharisee?” Let just divert and forgot the question about your filthy prophet lol. By Stewjo own standard you are defeated. That was such a smart moved, I’m just going to fall into the trap of diverting lol. Stay on the topic your prophet allowed sex with Married women. You filthy rat.

        My lil wh)re still sending message after he said he will wait after Ramadan. Keep being my wh)re.

      • Bwahahahaha, that must have hurt you little Danielle! No need to be upset just because I proved your filthy apostle sucked on a boy’s circumcised penis. 🤮

        Now back to Numbers 31, little monkey. Don’t deflect now. That’s all you’ve been doing so far. 😁

      • Married couples have sex, you idiots. It’s so logical that that angels in Islam will help me make the point

        If a husband calls his wife to his bed and she refuses and causes him to sleep in anger, the angels will curse her till morning. [Sahih al-Bukhari, Book 59, Hadith 48]

        Do the angels curse the women for not getting raped? lol

        The verse does not say rape. Show me the word that you translate as rape.

        If you believe its rape. Your prophet swears on the Torah. He also keeps a young virgin playing with dolls for himself. You just bury your filthy prophet lol. When I go with your interpretation your prophet get buried lol.

        Now can you answer why your prophet allowed Muslims to have sex with Married war captives women? Remember by your own standard your defeated.

      • Little Danielle is deflecting again! What does the word “forced” mean, idiot? 😂 Put that together with Numbers 31 and what do you get? Come on. Say it. 😱

        Speaking of angels, what’s with the “sons of God” having sex with humans in Genesis 6?

      • Actually, I gave you the opportunity to divert since you failed to bring the mystical Torah of Muhammad. I’m such a nice guy. Still, you can’t defend your prophet allowing sex with married war captives. At least I gave an answer. You can’t even write anything about. Calm down boy, who’s a good boy?

        How does that feel being my lil b!tch during Ramadan? Was I too harsh on you that you lost control? And can’t keep your words of not commenting during Ramadan. I was going to come after Ramadan on purpose, to silence you lil rat. But your my lil b!tch I did not have to wait lol

      • Aww, little Danielle has a problem with married women being taken captive from the enemy. Meanwhile, his god had thousands of men and women and boys killed and spared the virgin girls to be forced into marriage and raped. 😱😱

      • @ Danielle

        Wow, this amazing. The end part of the verse is not talking about the marriage you bumbling retard. The verse is saying because you raped her as a captive you don’t sell her or treat her like a slave if you all divorce later on. To help you as CAPTIVE she was raped dumb@$$.

      • I wrote show me the word you translate as rape. The idiot showed me an english word lol. Retard I can show you other translation which did not use the word “forced”. Heellllo moron??? Lol 😆

      • Not surprised it’s the logic of a man who clicks on a link but does not visit the website. Lol 😆

      • You failed to show the Torah. You failed to address Muhammad allowed sex with married war captives while their husband is alive. You failed to show the word you translate as rape. What else do I need?

        So angels in your hadith curse women for not getting raped lol.

        Even your interpretation of rape backfires on Muhammad. Since he swears on the Torah and kept a Lil virgin for himself.

        By your own standard, you’re defeated since you failed to address any point.

      • @ QB

        I love how he is able to attempt to make giant leaps of logic about the alleged rape and denies the text that says they’re rape period, one more time for the people in the back:

        Later, if you no longer want her, you are to let her go free. Since you FORCED HER TO HAVE INTERCOURSE with you, you cannot treat her as a slave and sell her. (Deuteronomy 21:14)

        Let’s look at Gill’s Exposition of the Entire Bible (who tries to then clean it up):

        “…because thou hast humbled her; which phrase it must be owned is often, used of unlawful commerce with a woman, of defiling her, or violating her chastity; and so may seem to confirm the notion of those who think that he lay with her before he took her to his house, and therefore, upon a refusal to marry her afterwards, was obliged to this loss; though the word signifies any kind of affliction…”

      • Remember moron when you said a million quotes means nothing.

        You had you the chance to show me the word. All you had yo do go to bible hub. And send the link.

        You did not even attempt to defend your prophet. By your own standard. I crushed you and your prophet.

        Stop humiliating yourself in front of me filthy rat.

      • Whoops, wrong thread just a quick repost for order sake:

        @ Danielle

        Oh, I wasn’t done lol I was just gathering all the references. As a note a scholar is discussing the meaning of a word, not their opinion on law. My apologies you’re too dumb to know the difference now for the grand finale:

        Word used is “anah” it has a lot of meanings but some highlights from Strong’s:

        עָנָה ʻânâh, aw-naw’… to depress literally or figuratively, transitive or intransitive (in various applications, as follows) …defile, exercise, force… hurt, ravish…

        Let’s look at some other places it’s used:

        During the night the men of Gibeah came after me and surrounded the house, intending to kill me. They raped (anah) my concubine, and she died. (Judges 20:5)

        She answered him, “No, my brother, do not violate (anah) me, for such a thing is not done in Israel; do not do this outrageous thing… But he refused to listen to her, and since he was stronger than she, he raped (anah) her…But Absalom spoke to Amnon neither good nor bad, for Absalom hated Amnon, because he had violated (anah) his sister Tamar…But Jonadab son of Shimeah, David’s brother, said, “My lord should not think that they killed all the princes; only Amnon is dead. This has been Absalom’s express intention ever since the day Amnon raped (anah) his sister Tamar. (2 Samuel 13:12, 14 and 22)

        Your reaction is absolutely hilarious.

      • @ Danielle

        Also as I thought about it more you STILL have the problems of captives being married (that you thought was so impossible earlier) They are still little girls being married so you can’t attack Aisha(ra) or Maria (ra) talk about a tough conundrum to be in.

  2. Let start with God is not human

  3. “Help me mom i was being a sly prick and then Stew called me an a$$hol€”

  4. Guys stop wasting time on vermin. They are just maggots. Daniel got owned to no return and couldn’t handle being humiliated after getting bitchslapped. So now his panties got wet and is trying to save face. He got challenged on the Hamza Yusuf subject an couldn’t deliver and instead went on machinegunning irrelevant tangents. That’s just the nature of these vermin. You can’t fix stupid but you sure can laugh at it.

  5. What does the owner of the blog say about this?

  6. @ Spencer

    Nope falls under category listed:

    “Making claim I take time to prove with academic sources and references is wrong then continues making the same claim”

    1.The gap of time is long for bith texts
    2. The Ebionites had similar beliefs to Muslims
    3. Continues with moronic claim of “plausibility” despite odds being astronomical if plagirizing.
    4. Ignored transmission argument
    5.Completly makes up Islamic theology despite being explained multiple times. Thus being stupid
    6. Ignores historical evidence and scholarship to continue making claims about the early church with the counter: “I don’t know about this Church of Jerusalem stuff.” This is textbook someone not looking for truth and just attempting to argue.
    7.Denies QB’s argument with no substantial counter other than so (see point 6)
    8. Asks for monotheism placed in area other than the Middle East and is quoted Xenophanes. Then denies this with another so? (See point 6 )

    So this is justified because the reason this category of mine exists is because it’s more subtle form of trolling. Got another one for me?

  7. Just moving the goalposts, anyways doesny matter your very own self admitted you couldnt do withouth being condescending, insulting, teash talking etc. jjst like I said :

    “My apologies insults just keeps me invested in conversing with stupid people and listening to their dumb theories/ideas.” and then go on to insulti, tradh talk, condescending etc.

    I don’t care who’s right, wrong, stupid, smart whatever…if you didn’t like it you coul just ignore him. He didn’t throw a single insult even after you kept spewing insults. Maybe you got disappointed that he didn’t trash talk back or maybe you were trying to elicit a reaction?

    • @ Spencer

      No I could care less about his reaction (you saw I can entertain myself) I simply prefer after not trollihg, facts being presented (for example like I did with Danny regarding rape). To ignore evidence and keep saying something wrong is a form of trolling and thus worty of being mocked. I’ve been in the game too long to know the difference between someone sincere and someone being argumentative. He was priven to be wribg and then explained something and continued because ut wasn’t real

      • Stew, you don’t have to explain anything Mother Spence. He clearly doesn’t want to be consistent at all. Don’t waste your time with this chump.

      • @ QB

        I know I just like my position to ne clear. They can end the trolling anytime they want.

      • Your very own words, proved my point that you need to trash talk, be condescending, namecalling this etc.,oitherwise you cant stay inthe discussion:

        “My apologies insults just keeps me invested in conversing with stupid people and listening to their dumb theories/ideas.” and then go on to insuli, trash talk, be condescending etc., your words not mine.

        I wasn’t rying to be anything. I don’t like or agree with the ad hominems and ad prophet Daniel said, what QB said in this thread or what stewjo said. I cited. I just said in the examples stwe gave it was QB that started the insults. The other link did not have any commenters.

        I acknowledged Stew was trying to offer olive branch which was not accepted and i credited stew and shamoun for a civil debate, cause we could have expected a lot worse. Maybe i overlooked an insult, though i think they overall managed pretty well. I dont like indults or bad language, Muslim, Christian or Martian. Simple as that.

      • @ Spence

        This was simply trolling Christian.

  8. @ Danielle

    Actually, you moved the discussion to Muhammad(saw) and Aisha(ra) I then made a quip about the known atrocity and war crime that would make ISIS blush in yourr text. You challenged me on it and have been dodging since.

    My position was not even to defend the Prophet(saw) that was just a by-product of Christian hypocrisy and not knowing their own text that it is permissible.

    Next “anah” means to rape, ravage, afflict, humiliate, oppress etc. it basically has no positive connotation in normal use. How did the man (who keep in mind taking a permissible captive) “afflict” the little girl? How did the man “humiliate” the little girl? How did the man “oppress” the little girl? The context is clear, if you decide to divorce her she’s free since you raped her as a captive.

    Next, I find your perception of yourself absolutely astounding. You have yet to counter:

    1. What happened to the little girl?
    2. You admitted already they married them thus they married little girls
    3. The concept of concubines which you deemed morally repulsive, still exists in your text and many prophets had them.
    4. You claimed Muslims must rape captives so why would we not extend this to “anah” in the Bible as well as you deemed it impossible for a woman to form a relationship in this context, remember?

    • Genius before you also wrote defile. Now put defile in the text. And ask yourself how they are defile. Or should I give you a sex education?

      You actually don’t have an answer to defend Muhammad. It’s all diversion to the bible.

      Stop defending Islam which is dog shit. Since your doing a terrible job. Again to be fair, no one will do a good job defending dog shit. It’s ok it’s not you. Islam is the dog shit. You don’t have to keep playing in dog shit. You can leave that crap.

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